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发表于 2023-5-5 03:02:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Republic in Guatemala.  hose protesting in front of the legislative body building and advanced through the streets of the city center until they reached 100 meters from the Plaza de la Constitución, where thousands of people were protesting against the government of Alejandro Giammattei. Unlike the 2015 mobilizations, which led to the resignation and imprisonment of then-president Otto Pérez Molina , this time the police fired tear gas into the center of the square, injuring several people, including two young people who lost an eye, and They made dozens of catches.

Although the protest originated in the approval of the government Singapore Phone Number List budget for 2021, the citizen mobilization responded to an unresolved political crisis that includes the three powers of the State. As background to the current political situation in Guatemala, it may be useful to analyze the results of the 2019 general elections, and not forget that Alejandro Giammattei assumed the presidency on January 14, 2020, that is, he has been in charge of the government for less than a year. Regarding corruption, the Central American Institute of Fiscal Studies warned about several approved budget items in which anomalies and difficulties for control were identified. In addition, the budget did not sufficiently address the needs to address chronic malnutrition and extreme poverty.

In those elections, the fluidity and fragmentation of the Guatemalan party system was once again manifested. 19 presidential candidates participated, two more were removed from the ballot at the last minute (the first for having been captured on charges of drug trafficking in the United States and the second for not complying with the legal requirements) and the two candidates who at the beginning of the year had The highest voting intention – Zury Ríos , daughter of dictator Efraín Ríos Montt and candidate for the Valor party, and Thelma Aldana , former attorney general and candidate for the Seed Movement – ​​were also not registered for legal reasons.


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