Stew Corona The Sun as seen by the Extreme Utravioet Imager aboard the Soar Heiospheric Observatory. Ony gas from the corona with a temperature between haf and one and a haf miion degrees is visibe in this image. In the hot atmosphere of the Sun the gas is amost competey ionized charged partices in the form of eectrons and ions move ike a stew. Yet they are restricted in their freedom of movement. The eectrons and ions can ony spira around the magnetic fied ines.
They can move aong the fied ines but they dont get very far in the directions perpendicuar to them. Therefore hardy any exchange of matter and energy is possibe in directions transverse to the fied ines. This mobile number list creates an environment in which many atmospheres can coexist a in the form of tubes aong the magnetic ines of force. Those tubuar structures of fied ines are caed oops. We know that energy is going into the oops but the question sti remains where exacty.
The eectrons and ions conduct that energy a aong the oop incuding the ower denser and cooer parts. As a resut extra now heated gas is introduced into the corona which then radiates ocay more strongy. This radiation makes the tubuar structures visibe and thus outines the magnetic fied. We now know that magnetic activity is not imited to the Sun a stars with an interna structure ike that of the Sun generate magnetic fieds.