How to choose a factoring company
First of all, you need to carefully study the conditions. For a large company, it is not so difficult to select a factor, but if the company is small and the transactions are not large, then not all factoring companies will cooperate with it.
It should be considered whether the factor provides the opportunity for individual work, taking into account the characteristics of each client. It is also important that then the financing is stable, otherwise there may be delays in payments, which can negatively to the mobile number list for affect the relationship between the seller and the buyer.
The cost of factoring refers to the commissions that the intermediary receives. They are of two types and are usually combined:
Payment for maintenance services, usually calculated as a percentage of the transaction amount;
Loan fee.
In addition, the contract may include additional legal, accounting services.
Legal regulation of factoring in russia
The weak development of the market for these services is due, among other things, to an underdeveloped legal framework. The main regulatory legal act regulating such relations is the civil code of the russian federation.
In addition, many lawyers are guided by the provisions of the unidroit international convention. This convention regulates factoring operations in all countries that have joined it. And although russia does not participate in this agreement, its norms can be considered as recommended ones.